M42: The Great Orion Nebula

Image: M42: The Great Orion Nebula, by Keven Tag.
M42: The Great Orion Nebula, by Keven Tag.

CAA member Keven Tag shared this lovely image of M42, the Orion Nebula, with us. His techniques and results are pretty advanced. Here’s what he said: “Thought I’d send this along. The skies were fairly clear last night {March 14} and I was able to get a nice shot of M42. This was captured from my Strongsville driveway so considering the amount of light pollution, results aren’t bad. It helps that it’s a nice bright target.” Technical stuff: a light pollution (Astronomik CLS-CCD) filter. Also, I use a modified Canon Rebel XSi which has the two native Canon filters removed. Here are some other details…. This was from a stack of (1600 ISO) Subs: Lights: 5X20, 5X40; Darks: 5X30; Flats: 5X30. Equipment and processing details — Mount: CGEM, Scope: Stellarvue SVR90, Camera: Canon XSi(Honis modified), Filter: Astronomik CLS-CCD, Mount Control: TheSkyX, Camera Control: BackYardEOS, Processing: Deep Sky Stacker.”