The Letter of the Day is L: “L” is for Lemon Yellow Limmony and Ladybug, a Delightful Cherry Tomato


One of my favorite yellow tomatoes. Much better than Lemon Boy in my opinion. A yellow orange tomato, Limmony is one of the first Russian varieties popularized in the US. An abundant Russian heirloom. Produces 4-5″ tomatoes. Unlike most yellows this one is loaded with lots of luscious, big sweet tangy flavors. 


85 days




This one is probably the prettiest and most photogenic of any of the cherry tomatoes I have grown. It also taste wonderful. Crack resistant and widely adapted! You’ll love the ease of growth and the sweet, sweet flavor of this charming new Cherry! Widely adapted to many parts of the country, Ladybug is a delight for Tomato growers everywhere! 

These little 1-ounce fruits are very resistant to cracking, the scourge of many a Cherry Tomato. They are ultra-sweet, with a good solids-to-gel ratio. And they arise by the hundreds on indeterminate plants! 


65 days
