Plump Thin Lips With These 11 Dermatologist-Approved Tricks

Close up of a woman's full lips


Here at Byrdie we believe that every feature is beautiful, but there's is something about a full pout that's universally appealing—there's a reason why lip filler and using lip liners are all the rage. And while some people are born with naturally plump lips, others have a thinner mouth or lose collagen over time. When we lose that collagen, a side effect is thinner, less defined lips.

Board-certified dermatologist, Susan Van Dyke, MD, explains that the volume we have in our face during our youth are fat pads, but that as we age those fat pads slowly shrink and thin. Generally speaking, people begin to lose one percent of their collagen during their 20s, but since everyone has a different genetic makeup, the exact age people's collagen levels begin to dip varies from person to person.

Should you want to restore lost volume or simply plump your natural lips, know that there are more than a handful of ways to do it. Below, Dr. Van Dyke along with dermatologist, Purvisha Patel, MD, share 11 of the best ways to achieve fuller lips. From makeup tricks that help give the illusion of bigger lips to surgical procedures that deliver permanent results, keep reading to find all the expert-approved ways to bring volume to thin lips.

Meet the Expert

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Reduce Repetitive Mouth Movements

Dr. Van Dyke says that preventing volume loss isn’t easy—especially since genetics play a major role. As such, she says that your best bet is to learn ways to cut down on lip-thinning activities. According to Dr. Patel, certain motions that require a pucker—like smoking, drinking through straws, and taking smoochy selfies—can accelerate the collagen loss of the lips over time. While being able to avoid all of those things all the time is unlikely, being aware of your repetitive movements can help you dial them back just enough to get an edge.

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Keep Your Lips Hydrated

Make lip balm your best friends. “Lips need conditioners and moisturizers just like facial skin,” Dr. Van Dyke says. For a moisture kick, we love the Lanolips 101 Ointment Multipurpose Superbalm ($17). It's a 100 percent natural option that promises to leave lips soft and hydrated for hours.

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Lean into LED

Red and infrared LED increases natural collagen production, which can help maintain and restore volume loss to thin lips. Try CurrentBody's LED Lip Perfector ($189) which was designed specifically to be comfortable for daily use.

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Protect Your Lips From Sun Damage

Drinking water and getting enough sleep really can make a big impact on not only how you feel, but how you look. “Staying hydrated and promoting the production of collagen by drinking [plenty of] of water, getting eight hours of sleep, taking a probiotic, taking a multivitamin, and using an SPF in your lip products when outside will help [keep your lips looking full],” Dr. Patel says. Burt's Bees' SPF 30 Sun Care Lip Balm ($5.50) is perfect for keeping lips healthy.

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Use Lip Liner

You might not be able to keep your lips from thinning, but you can keep them from looking small. Such is the beauty of over-lining your lips. It's a celebrity secret and it can be yours, too. “Over-line your lips with lip liner, pushing a little beyond the vermilion border (your lip line), and fill in with gloss or lipstick to make the lips appear bigger,” Dr. Patel suggests.

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Steer Clear of Lip Plumping Devices...

You might think these will work, but in reality, Dr. Patel says that hyaluronic acid pens and suction devices can actually accelerate collagen breakdown. Yikes. Also, while we hope this isn’t necessary to say, putting your lips into a water bottle and sucking should also be avoided at all costs—even if social media suggests otherwise.

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...But Use Lip Plumping Gloss

While a lip-plumping device is a no-no, Dr. Patel does approve of volume-boosting glosses as they can give you a temporary fuller effect. Dr. Patel approves of those with capsicum–a tingle-inducing ingredient found in chili peppers. That is if you're not sensitive or allergic to such ingredients/products.

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Try Lip Filler

If you find that your lips look particularly thin and nothing seems to be working, you may want to consider a lip filler appointment. “The best procedure for thinning lips is filler,” Dr. Van Dyke says. “You want to be careful about selecting a great injector, though. Too much filler looks unnatural.” As such, she recommends talking with your dermatologist or esthetician to find out what’s right for you.

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Get Permanent Lip Blushing

For a more permanent (or, technically, semi-permanent) approach, there's the option of a lip blush. Similar to microblading, lip blushing is a type of cosmetic tattooing that deposits ink into the lips. The procedure gives the lips a subtle, tinted pigmentation that can give the appearance of fuller lips and enhanced lip symmetry.

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Consider a Botox Lip Flip

This trendy procedure uses Botox along the lip line to create slightly flipped lips at all times. “It gives a fuller-looking lip by relaxing the muscles that cause puckering and allowing other lip muscles to subtly ‘flip’ the lip outward for a fuller look,” Dr. Van Dyke says. “The effect lasts for three to four months and can be done with tiny amounts of Botox (or other brands of neuromodulators like Dysport, Xeomin, or Jeuveau).” Just know that, if done incorrectly, some say a Botox lip flip can make drinking through a straw difficult, so it’s best to go somewhere reputable (as is the case with any cosmetic treatment).

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Consider a Lip Lift

Surgery shouldn't be your first option necessarily, but if you're looking to permanently plump your lips, a lip lift may be right for you. The procedure involves removing a horizontal strip of skin under your nose and pulling up the remaining skin, causing the top lift to move upward and create a plumper appearance.

  • At what age do your lips start thinning?

    Lips reach maximum thickness at around age 16. After that, lips begin to slowly break down fat pads.

  • How long do lip fillers last?

    Lip fillers are not a permanent fix for thinning lips. You can expect your fillers to last for six months up to a year.

  • Are there any natural ingredients that will help fight thinning lips?

    There are some ways to naturally circulate the blood in your lips for a temporarily plumper appearance. Dr. Patel recommends applying capsicum (found in chili peppers) or cinnamon to your lips. Of course, it’s important to first make sure you don’t have an allergy to either of these ingredients and, if not, to use sparingly for effects.

Article Sources
Byrdie takes every opportunity to use high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial guidelines to learn more about how we keep our content accurate, reliable and trustworthy.

  2. Sharma P, Arora A, Valiathan A. Age Changes of Jaws and Soft Tissue ProfileScientificWorldJournal. 2014;2014:301501. doi:10.1155/2014/301501

  3. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. FDA-approved Dermal Fillers. Updated November 9, 2020.

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