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Amorphophallus Konjac Growing Guide

Header Amorphophallus Konjac - Garden Express Australia

What is Amorphophallus Konjac?

Amorphophallus konjac (Amorphophallus konjac) also known as Konjac, Voodoo Lily, Corpse Flower, Snake Plant, Snake Palm, Devil’s Tongue and the Umbrella Arum is a herbaceous perennial tuber. It is part of the Araceae family and is native to warm subtropical to tropical eastern Asia. Konjac is an unusual tropical plant that is usually grown for its interesting foliage. Although coming from a warm climate it grows surprisingly well in cool climates. The tuber takes roughly 3 years to mature before it begins to flower. By this time the tuber is about the size of a grapefruit. The flower will form first coming out of the Winter dormancy in late Spring to early Summer. The flower is a fascinating plum burgundy colour with a green exterior. The large tropical leaves then form which are dark green in colour formed along spotted stems. Konjac flowers smell like rotting flesh so care needs to be taken to situate these plants away from windows and doorways. This is intended to attract the carrion flies that are its natural pollinators. They prefer a full sun to part shade in a spot that is protected from extreme cold and frost.

Benefits of Growing Amorphophallus Konjac

Konjac are fantastic plants for  tropical or oriental style gardens. They are grown both for their unique flower and their foliage. They are drought tolerant and frost hardy. Konjac tubers are edible and in Japan the tuber is used to make yam cake and noodles.

How to Grow Amorphophallus Konjac

Amorphophallis Konjac Pkamokon - Garden Express Australia

Amorphophallus Konjac

Climatic Zones

Cool to tropical.

Plant Size

Height: 1m, Width: 1m

When To Plant Amorphophallus Konjac

Plant in Spring.  

Soil Preparation

They are capable of growing in poor soil but do best in well drained compost rich soil.

How To Plant Amorphophallus Konjac

Plant in full sun to part shade. It grows best with an afternoon dappled shade position to stop the foliage from burning. Plant 45-70cm apart with the tuber planted at a depth of 10 to 20cm beneath the soil surface however it depends on the size of the tuber. As the roots emerge from the top of the tuber, ensure it is planted at least twice as deep as the tuber is high. EG. For a 5cm tuber, plant 10cm below the soil surface.

Amorphophallus Konjac Plant Care

Ensure the plant receive adequate water once new growth emerges, and during the growing season. Once it dies down they do not require any water at all during the dormant period over Winter.

For best results and faster growth to maturity, plant into a well prepared soil and fertilise well during the growing season. Use a complete fertiliser for flowering plants is suitable at the start of the growing period but good results have been reported using a Tomato fertiliser during the growing season.

Bulbs may be left undisturbed for years. If lifting bulbs is required do so once the foliage has died down completely and store in a cool and airy position. When tubers are ready for planting they will begin to sprout tiny pink shoots.

If growing in pots, ensure a large enough pot is selected to allow for tuber to expand and grow.