10 Flowers and Plants That Look Exactly Like Animals

From monkey orchids to dolphin succulents, these plants mimic members of the animal kingdom.

Dracula Monkey Face Orchid

Columbus GV Team via Flickr

There are over 400,000 plant species growing on our planet, exhibiting a huge variation of colors and shapes, from microscopic algae that look like snowflakes to giant sequoia trees hundreds of feet tall.

Whether as an adaptation that provides an evolutionary advantage or just as a happy quirk of nature, some species have even evolved to look like an entirely different type of living creature altogether. With help from Pam Morris Olshefski, plant collections manager at Morris Arboretum and Gardens in Philadelphia, Penn., we've rounded up some of the most elaborate ways flowers role-play as other members of the natural world.

From orchids that mimic monkeys to succulents that resemble dolphins, these eye-catching plants and flowers that look like animals are fascinating members of the global ecosystem.

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Monkey Orchids

monkey face orchids
The Launceston Orchid Society

The Dracula simia, which translates to "little dragon monkey" is found in tropical highland forests. While the center of the flower may be a dead ringer for our ancestral cousins, the vampire reference is a shout-out to the two long sepals (the part of a flower that encloses the developing bud) located at the base of the petals.

The fragrance this flower emits is sweeter than its name would imply: When this particular species of orchid blooms, it gives off a scent of ripe oranges.

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Dolphin Succulents

Dolphin Succulent

Bilal photos / GETTY IMAGES

The unique succulent Monilaria obconica is a hybrid of a candle plant and a string-of-pearls vine. The result is a plant that sprouts adorable leaves off its stems, each shaped like a crescent moon with a "fin" protruding from it.

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White Egret Orchids

white egret orchids
Jeff R. Clow / Getty

If you thought egrets were graceful, you'll love Habenaria radiata, or the "white egret flower." The delicate, fringed flower has petals that spread out like wings in flight, flanked by small green leaves. The resemblance is uncanny: Squint a little bit and you would swear you're looking at a swoop of cranes mid-flap.

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Parrot Flowers

parrot flower
Getty Images

Impatiens psittacina's resemblance to its flighty friend is undeniable. You'll know you've spotted a parrot flower when you notice reddish-purple petals with a single apex. The flower's lower sepal makes up the beak, a small hook that is light green in color.

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Bee Orchids

Bee Orchid Flower

David Clapp / GETTY IMAGES

The bee orchid—scientifically known as Ophrys apifera—is a sweet-smelling bloom with a clever little trick. That it looks so much like a bumblebee is no mistake: The flower attracts pollinators by bringing in male bees hoping to mate with the "bees" already on the flowers.

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Flying Duck Orchids

Duck Orchid flower

Ken Griffiths / GETTY IMAGES

When Caleana major, native to Australia, blooms between September and February, it produces petals that come together to mimic the shape of a duck in flight.

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Dove Orchids

dove orchid


Take a closer look, as this flower's natural mimicry is easy to miss. Hidden inside the bloom of the Peristeria elata, you'll find a structure that resembles a white dove in flight. At peak bloom, the bulb can grow between four and 20 petals, which surround a second, inner petal formation that gives this orchid its name.

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Rabbit Succulents

rabbit succulent
Seeds Cactus

These adorable plants—scientifically named Monilaria obconica—are native to South Africa, and they're described as drought-induced deciduous plants. When the succulents sprout, they grow two little stems that look just like a pair of rabbit ears, and as they grow, the "ears" get longer.

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Grim Reaper Flower

Shuichi Kadoya / Getty Images

For Aristolochia salvador platensis, sinister floral features are key to the plant's survival: The cavernous "eyes" of the skull and powerful aroma combine to attract insect pollinators. Once drawn in, insects fly through these "eyes," which are lined with sticky hairs that help to cover them with pollen.

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Hummingbird Flower

Hummingbird Flower

Imagevixen / GETTY IMAGES

Also known as the green bird flower, Crotalaria cunninghamii can grow up to 9 feet tall. Many associate the plant's unique flowers with the hummingbird, since they're shaped like one of the small birds in flight—there's even a beak-shaped stem at the flower's base. This plant grows wild throughout the northern half of Australia, according to the Australian Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority, and usually blooms between January and April.

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  1. The scientists found that there are about 435,000 unique land plant species on Earth. The team revealed that 36.5% of all land plant species are "exceedingly rare": they have been observed and recorded less than five times. NSF - National Science Foundation.

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