Half Sleeve Tattoos And Designs

Andrew Howland
Updated June 15, 2019 29.1K views 19 items
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242 voters
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Upvote the best half sleeve tattoo designs

Photo list of half sleeve tattoos on different people, including a variety of ink designs and art. Half sleeve tattoo designs are a reflection of the person who wears them. What are the best half sleeve tattoo designs? Some half sleeve tattoos feature intricate, eye-catching designs that emphasize incredible artwork. Other half sleeve tats are more subtle, with single theme depicted on the half sleeve. What half sleeve tattoo designs are the best? If you're considering getting some new ink, half sleeve tattoo art could be the way to go. This list includes some great half sleeve tattoo designs. Be sure to vote for your favorite tattoos and half sleeve tattoo placements, then vote down those that you don't like.

Good half sleeve tattoos are appropriate for both men and women. These pictures of half sleeve tattoos can also be voted on, so that the most popular half sleeve body art makes it up to the top. Half sleeve tattoos aren't for everyone, but they look awesome on the right person.

Men might opt for something intricate and exciting, using the whole half sleeve to tell a bold story. Tribal tattoos work well on the half sleeve as well. Some might choose to start with a half sleeve tattoo and extend it to the lower arm eventually for a full sleeve tattoo.

Women might also opt for elaborate half sleeve tattoos, though many choose a more subtle design for a half sleeve tattoo. Celebrities like Amber Rose have a more sparse design inked as a half sleeve tattoo when compared to some of the half sleeve tats on her male celeb counterparts. Hers is, appropriately enough, a bouquet of roses for a half sleeve tattoo.
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    Floral Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Floral Half Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: flickr / CC0
    For a sexy half sleeve tattoo option, consider a bouquet of roses or some other arrangement of flowers. The bright colors associated with flowers should make the tattoo pop and accentuate the curves of the arm the half sleeve tat occupies.
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    Pattern Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Pattern Half Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: flickr / CC0
    Being able to carry a pattern over from the shoulder onto the arm makes half sleeve tattoos a really great option for an intricate design that requires more space to play out.
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    Polynesian Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Polynesian Half Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: Metaweb / CC-BY
    Designs that repeat and deviate, like the Polynesian half sleeve tattoo designs, look tremendous when going from the shoulder down the arm in a detailed half sleeve tat.
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    Portrait Half Sleeve Tattoos

    The shape of the half sleeve tattoo lends itself perfectly to a portrait of a loved or admired person. When considering half sleeve tattoo options, keep in mind that you can go for as little as a head or as much as the waist up when perusing half sleeve tattoo designs.
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    Music Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Music Half Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY
    There are so many elements of music that half a sleeve almost isn't enough. Use your half sleeve tattoo design to display musical notes, music equipment, or even song lyrics in your music themed half sleeve tattoos.
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    Japanese-Inspired Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Japanese-Inspired Half Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY
    The rich intricacies often found in Japanese tattoo art will show in vivid detail on a Japanese-Inspired half sleeve tattoo. With the ability to fold in various elements of the culture and history, half sleeve tattoos are a great choice for Japanese tats.
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    Cross Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Cross Half Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY
    Crosses are perhaps some of the most frequently tattooed objects when it comes to choosing a tattoo. The half sleeve tattoo that involves crosses may depict some other religious imagery or simply an elaborate depiction of a cross.
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    Fish Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Fish Half Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: Metaweb / CC-BY
    The shape of fish and the shape of the arms have noted similarities, so there's no surprise that half sleeve tattoo designs feature a lot of fish imagery. Something big like a koi or less common like a school of fish work well on half sleeve tats.
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    Dragon Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Dragon Half Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: flickr / CC0
    Dragon tattoos are rad. The more room you have to depict your dragon (like a whole half sleeve tattoo), the better. Go for some color on the beast to make it stand out with an even higher level of intimidation.
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    Skull Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Skull Half Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY
    With all the area available on a half sleeve tat, there's plenty of room to go into gory detail on an imposing half sleeve skull tattoo.
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    Bird Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Birds make awesome tattoos and whether you're sticking with one large bird for a half sleeve design or going with a flock of birds that covers the shoulder and arm, the half sleeve tattoo is a great placement for birds.
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    Tiger Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Let the majesty of the tiger come to life on a brilliant half sleeve tattoo. You'll be able to get the details of the face and the tail can wrap around the arm. The half sleeve tat is a great choice for many animal tattoos including the tiger.
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    Characters Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Characters Half Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: Metaweb / CC-BY
    If you're into a particular cartoon or bunch of characters, give them a shot at a half sleeve tat. The area allows you to get in almost a whole show's worth of characters in one area for a whimsical, fun half sleeve tattoo.
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    Celtic Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Celtic Half Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: flickr / CC0
    With all the detail and meaning that can be associated with a Celtic half sleeve tat, there's all the more reason to give it plenty of surface area for its design.
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    Religious Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Be it a depiction of an important religious event or historical religious figure, a half sleeve tat with a religious theme should allow for ample detail and room for creativity when considering half sleeve tattoo art.
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    Tribal Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Tribal tattoo designs pop pretty much anywhere on the body, the half sleeve tattoo in particular. You'll be able to go big and bold or small and intricate when inking your tribal half sleeve tattoo designs.
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    Mermaid Half Sleeve Tattoos

    The tail of the mermaid can trail down your arm while her head rests on your shoulder in a mermaid half sleeve tattoo. Throw some color on the lady to make her pop from your half sleeve tat the way she'd pop from a rock when a sea-weary sailor passed by
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    Fire Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Fire Half Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: Metaweb / CC-BY
    Let the flames of the fire make their way up or down your arm with a flame half sleeve tattoo. Any sort of fire-related imagery works well going up and down the arm, but the half sleeve tattoos look particularly good with the heat and flame elements.
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    Cherub Half Sleeve Tattoos

    Cherub Half Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: Metaweb / CC-BY
    Something a little nice mixed in with your half sleeve tattoo (which can, at times, be associated with people who err on the side of naughty) makes for a playful design on the arm.
    30 votes