How To Grow And Care For Caladiums

The bright and colorful leaves make caladiums easy to love.

'Rose Glow’ Caladium
Photo: Photo by: Ralph Anderson

Caladiums are grown for their foliage, with leaves shaped like hearts, arrows, or lances in combinations of red, pink, rose, white, chartreuse, and green. Their showy leaves are often translucent, which makes this plant light up your garden. Caladiums have brightened shady spots for generations, but now you have the option of newer selections that can take some direct sun. The tubers are grown as annuals in the Upper and Middle South but will return yearly in frost-free gardens. Plant in warm soil in the spring after the last frost. Some gardeners dig up tubers in the fall, store indoors over the winter, and replant in spring. These fast-growing tropical plants are easy to grow and are a great companion for your impatiens, begonias, and ferns in flower borders and containers. All parts of caladiums are toxic to people if large amounts are eaten. They are also toxic to cats, dogs, and horses.

Plant Attributes

Common Name Caladium, Elephant's Ears, Angel Wings
Botanical Name Caladium spp.
Family Araceae
Plant Type Tuber, perennial, annual
Mature Size 12–30 in. tall and wide
Sun Exposure Partial, dappled, full shade
Soil Type Well-drained, organically rich
Soil pH Slightly acidic (5.5 to 6.5)
Hardiness Zones 9–13 (USDA)
Native Area South America, Central America
Toxicity Toxic to people, toxic to pets

Caladium Care

Caladiums originated in Central and South America, so they thrive in warm weather. Most gardeners in the Upper and Middle South plant caladiums after Mother's Day when the soil is warm. They're carefree once you cover their basic needs, and the color and bright leaves make all varieties of caladiums easy to love. Caladiums are not invasive, and in fact, will rot in cold temperatures. Some gardeners dig up the tubers in fall when the foliage starts to die back, then store them in a warm, dry place until they can be replanted in late spring. Others buy fresh bulbs or plants every growing season, as caladiums tend to put on their best show in the first year.


All caladiums love filtered sunlight and shade. Some newer selections and caladiums with narrower leaves can take more light, but it's best to limit direct sun exposure to the morning hours. The colorful foliage can fade in bright sunlight.


Caladiums need well-drained but moist soil rich in organic matter, such as mushroom compost or chopped leaves. Most garden soils should be amended for planting. For potted caladiums, use high-quality potting soil that includes compost or other organic matter. These plants prefer slightly acidic soil.


Water caladiums regularly to keep the soil slightly moist but not fully saturated. Add mulch, such as pine straw, to help retain soil moisture and conserve water. If you have caladiums in direct sun, don't let them dry out. When caladiums begin to go dormant, you can stop watering until the temperatures increase again in the spring.

Temperature And Humidity

Caladiums do best in high humidity that resembles their native environment in Central and South America. Temperatures should remain high and not drop below 60°F at night. Caladiums may not be reliably winter hardy north of USDA plant hardiness zone 10. An extended period below 45°F will damage the plant, so it's best to dig up tubers before then if you want to replant them next year. Wait to plant until the soil temperature reaches 70°F in the spring, or the tubers will grow slowly or rot.


Use a slow-release fertilizer such as Osmocote Outdoor & Indoor Smart-Release Plant Food 19-6-12 or a liquid feed such as Miracle-Gro Liquid All Purpose Plant Food 12-4-8 for potted caladiums. A slow-release fertilizer may only need to be applied once in a growing season, while water-soluble fertilizers can be applied every two to four weeks. In the garden, experts recommend having your soil tested to see if nutrients are needed. In the absence of a test, use a 12-6-6 fertilizer every six weeks.

Types Of Caladiums

  • 'White Cranberry Star': The mature size of this variety is around 18 to 22 inches. The foliage is white with dark green veins and speckled with pink dots. This variety thrives in hot, humid environments.
  • 'Heart & Soul': Growing to about 20 inches when mature, this variety has heart-shaped, variegated leaves in green, white, pink, and red.
  • 'Florida Fantasy': This white-leafed variety has deep magenta veins that fade into a delicate dark green outline on each leaf. It grows 18 to 24 inches tall.
  • 'Freida Hemple': This deep red cultivar has dark green margins. It grows to 18 inches tall.
  • 'Carolyn Whorton': The green leaves on this 12- to 18-inch caladium are speckled bubble-gum pink and have dark pink veins.
  • 'Florida Moonlight': The ghostly leaves of this variety will illuminate your garden at night. During the day, this 12- to 18-inch caladium can handle more sunlight.


Remove damaged and dead leaves. Maintaining healthy soil and keeping up with watering will help keep caladium leaves bright. Caladiums rarely bloom, but if they do, you can remove the spathe to redirect energy to the plant.

How To Grow Caladiums From Tubers

You can special order caladium tubers for planting or replant tubers you saved the previous fall. Follow these steps to grow your own caladiums:

  1. Wait until the soil temperature reaches 70°F before planting or start them indoors. Amend your soil if needed to improve drainage or richness of the soil.
  2. Plant each tuber 2 inches deep, with the eyes facing upward. Large tubers should be planted in the ground at least 8 inches apart, while smaller tubers can be grouped together more tightly in the ground or containers.
  3. Cover the tubers and water well. Keep the soil evenly moist, but not saturated. Foliage should appear in six to eight weeks, and sometimes as early as two or three weeks.

Potting And Repotting Caladiums

Caladiums make beautiful potted plants in the summer. Use high-quality potting soil that includes organic matter. Group together several varieties in contrasting colors, or plant them in mixed containers with delicate ferns or flowering impatiens. Though caladiums like moisture, the container should have a drainage hole and the soil should not be allowed to get soggy. Water when the top of the soil is dry.


In the Tropical South, you can leave tubers in the ground year-round. In the rest of the South, you'll need to dig them up in early fall if you want to replant next year. Save the larger tubers, which tend to produce more leaves. Remove any remaining leaves and roots. Let tubers dry in a shaded area for a few days. Place them in dry peat moss to store, and keep them in a warm spot (at least 50°F) until it's time to replant.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Caladiums are relatively pest- and disease-free but susceptible to caterpillars, aphids, and slugs. Maintaining a healthy soil, sun, and watering balance will help prevent infestations. If you notice marks or holes in the foliage, treat them with insecticidal soap. This treatment should also help avoid mealybugs, mites, thrips, and whiteflies. If only a few pests are present, try removing them by hand.

Some diseases that impact caladiums include fungal pathogens that infect the tubers, such as Rhizoctonia and Pythium species. These fungal infections infect the soil and destroy the tuber. Avoid these problems by planting in warm soil and not overwatering.

Common Problems With Caladiums

Caladiums generally have few problems, but they aren't immune to them. If you notice yellow or brown leaves, that may be cause for concern. Some issues may be caused by improper care, which can often be easily improved.

Drooping Leaves

Occasionally, caladium leaves and stems will bend before dormancy. This is entirely normal if visible on only a few leaves. If all the leaves start to drop, it can signify that the soil is either too dry or wet. Soil that's too dry deprives the plant of nutrients, while the caladium is susceptible to root rot if it is too wet.

Leaves Turning Yellow

There are many reasons why caladium leaves turn yellow. Any change in its regular care routine (water, light exposure, temperature) can cause yellowing. Improperly managed soil can also lead to nutrient deficiency, resulting in yellowing leaves. Depending on the time of the year, caladiums might be experiencing dormancy.

Leaves Turning Brown

Like yellow leaves, an imbalance in care causes caladium leaves to turn brown. This change in leaf color means the soil is too dry, too much sunlight is burning the leaves, the environment is not humid enough, or it is over-fertilized.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where should I plant a caladium?

    Plant caladiums in well-drained soil in an east- or north-facing garden that gets indirect, filtered sunlight or partial shade. They also do well on shaded patios and under large shade trees. If in an area with heavy clay soil, plant caladiums in pots, raised beds, or hanging baskets.

  • Can caladiums grow indoors?

    Caladiums grow for a longer period as indoor plants, but they still enter a period of dormancy. When growing inside, place them in a warm spot where they’ll get at least four hours of filtered sunlight each day, and water weekly. A bathroom or laundry room provides needed humidity. For winter, cut off all leaves and store the plant in a cool, dark place. Resume regular care once new leaves re-emerge.

  • When is the best time to plant caladiums?

    Caladiums should be planted in warm soil. Wait two to three weeks after the last frost when the soil reaches 65°F to 70°F. Planting caladiums in cool soil may cause slow growth or tuber rot.

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  1. Mount Sinai Health System. Caladium plant poisoning.

  2. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Caladium.

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