Prevost Squirrel - (Callosciurus prevosti)
Where They Live : Lowland forests of western Malaysia.

Size : 11.5 ounces, 5-11 inches long, tail 3-10 inches.

Lifespan : 8-10 years, 15 years in captivity.

Breeding : Mating throughout the year. Up to 3 litters per year. 1-2 young per litter.

Habits : Social, active in the day.

Diet : Seeds, fruits, berries, nuts, and insects.

    The prevost is a day squirrel that lives in the upper layers of the forest and will nest in trees.  It is an excellent climber and jumper that can descend tree trunks head first.  The black giant squirrel and prevost squirrels are often seen feeding together at the same fruit trees, but prevost squirrels eat a smaller range of fruit.  The prevost can afford to spend less time feeding each day and can travel further than black giant squirrels do to find food.
    A pregnant prevost squirrel will close off her living quarters with hay several days before birth.  A young prevost squirrel is born naked, toothless and helpless with its eyes closed. By 6 weeks, the squirrel is fully furred and independent.  Parental care is the responsibility of the female.