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Fried Topinambur, AKA Jerusalem Artichoke

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Adjust Servings:
500 g of Jerusalem artichoke Tubers
2 l of Water
2 tbsp. of White wine vinegar 5% Or lemon juice
2 tbsp. of Ghee
to taste Salt
to taste Grounded black pepper

Fried Topinambur, AKA Jerusalem Artichoke

  • Dairy-Free
  • Gluten-Free
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • 25 min
  • Serves 2
  • Easy




Topinambur in English has a beautiful name, Jerusalem artichoke, while in Southern Ukraine, we call it Earthen pear. 🙂

Biologically, Topinambur is a type of sunflower. The name Topinambur comes from one of the tribes of Brazilian Indians, Tupinambá, with whom this plant was brought to Europe in the 16th century. Interestingly, the Topinambur is now so overgrown that it is considered one of the most common weeds in Europe.

Topinambur, AKA Jerusalem Artichoke tubers, although resembling potatoes, are many times more beneficial than potatoes and not only that. First, they contain about 16 to 18% inulin (soluble fiber), which is excellent for a healthy microbiome. They also have protein (about 3%), minerals, vitamin C, carotene and B group vitamins.  So it’s a really healthy product!

Let’s make it very easy today, just fry it in ghee or coconut or avocado oils, or lard, depending on your taste. It’s a healthy, tasty and unusual side dish.

Bon Appetit!

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Pour cold water into a bowl and add vinegar. Peel the tubers of Topinambur with a vegetable peeler and put them in acidified water so they do not darken. When all the tubers are peeled, take them out of the water one by one and cut them into thin 5 mm bars or slices to your taste.


Heat oil in a frying pan and add the sliced tubers of Topinambur right away. Fry them as potatoes on medium or high heat until golden brown, stirring continuously.
At the end of cooking, salt and season with black pepper to your taste. Serve the dish hot.
Bon Appétit!

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